I recently read the book Me, Myself and Bob by Phil Vischer. In it Phil talks about the creation of Veggie Tales and the incredible ride he and his friends had through its success and then through its bankruptcy. At the end of the book Phil has two chapters on what he has learned <insert song - And so what we have learned applies to our lives today, God has a lot to say in his book....> One chapter on what he has learned as a business man, and a second on what he has learned as a Christian. From that second chapter, there are two thoughts he explored that have really stuck with me.
First, he said God's people are not to be people of vision, but people of revelation.
Second, in response to someone asking him where he hoped to be in 5 years, he said If he is truly following God, where he is in 5 years is none of his business.
I love both of these statement so much because he has realized something a lot of people have not - Following Jesus is not about me! It is not my vision or my plan that is going to define my decisions at the moment or my thoughts and hopes for the future.
People of revelation - I love this! It is not about trying to generate a vision within my own mind. It's not even about being given a vision by God that I can then own as "my" vision. It is about being open to the Lords leading, and letting Him reveal Himself and His vision to me. When I think of the youth group I am a leader for, or the worship team that I help lead, or my daily interactions with friends, or my marriage to Kevin, or anything else in my life, I should be looking to Jesus to reveal Himself to me and see where He would like to lead. I just find the difference between living out of my vision for the future and living out of God's revelation to be huge. It is scary but freeing all at once. Which takes us to point two...
Where I am in 5 years is none of my business. Living out of God's revelation means giving up control completely - it means if He has chosen not to reveal what is coming around that next corner, then I have to wait and trust. Actively wait, acting on what He has revealed for the moment, letting His Word be a light on my path. In 5 years, will we still be enjoying the jobs God has blessed us with now? Will we have a family? Will we be called to move, or to stay? I don't know! But I can trust Him to reveal Himself when I do need to know. And I can trust that if I keep pressing in, He'll continue to make me into the woman He wants me to be.
How do you find God reveals Himself to you?
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